Homes Gardening

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Small, single stemmed trees are cheap and can be trained from scratch. Specialist growers sell partly trained trees, these ready-made espaliers should flower and fruit in the first or second year. Purchase espaliers from garden centres or mail-order from specialist nurseries, which sell them bare-rooted for winter planting. Buy two trees as most apples need to grow near another apple tree that flowers at the same time for cross-pollination.

Growing tips

Water trees regularly until they are established.
Tie down any extension growth from each tier to the training wires.
Prune from late July to mid-August, shortening any sideshoots that are growing directly from each arm back to three leaves from their base.
Cut any smaller shoots growing from these back to just one leaf and prune away any extra shoots that are growing out of the main stem of the tree.


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