Homes Gardening

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

There are three types of chicory: red chicory, which is sometimes known as raddichio and is often seen in mixed salad packs in supermarkets; sugarloaf varieties, which resemble lettuces and forcing chicory – this isn’t grown in the normal way. It is deprived of light, or forced, in winter to make edible white growths called chicons.
Chicory will thrive in a sunny spot with well-drained soil. It can be grown in short rows on the vegetable patch or allotment, and is also ideal for raised beds and large pots.
If you can, prepare soil for spring sowing by digging in the winter, adding plenty of well-rotted manure. Remove weeds, any very large stones and rake to leave a level finish. A week before sowing sprinkle a general purpose fertiliser (of approximately 30g per square metre) over the area and rake into the surface.
Sow seeds in July or August, for plants ready to be picked from October to December. To sow in rows, stretch a length of string between two canes to make a straight line and make a shallow trench, about 1cm deep, with a garden cane. Sow seeds thinly, then cover, water and label.
Alternatively, fill a large 45cm (18in) diameter pot with compost, level and tap to settle – aim to leave a 2cm (1in) gap between the surface of the compost and the rim of the pot. Sow seeds thinly across the surface and cover with a 1cm (0.5in) layer of vermiculite. Water and stand in a cold frame, or in a slightly shaded space in the garden.


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